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About the study. 

This page provides details of the study, who it is aimed at and what we hope to find out about. 

Image by Austin Kehmeier

Study overview

What are we interested in and what do we aim to achieve? 

How do young people who leave the care system fare as adults? What makes a difference in supporting care leavers? What is important from their point of view?

This groundbreaking new study will seek to provide answers to these questions and many more.


How did the study come about? 

A research team from Trinity College Dublin in partnership with University of Sussex has been awarded a contract for this ground-breaking study of adults who grew up in state care. The study, Care Leavers – Ten Years On, will be the first in Ireland to address the experiences of ‘graduates’ of the care system in adult life, in terms of education, family, work, accommodation, health and well-being. Funded by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, the study is part of Care Experiences: Journeys through the Irish Care System, a new national research and data project examining the lives of children in care and adults who were in care as children. This two-year project will be completed by end of September 2025.


Click here to find out more about the full Care Experiences: Journeys through the Irish Care System project. 





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